Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Senior Pictures 2016

Since this year was our last year of high school we decided to make it more memorable we should take senior pictures together. We went to a nature park in Mansfield, the park was called Elmer W. Oliver Nature park. The park was beautiful, and there were lots of other people taking their senior pictures there too. Our friend's mom is a professional photographer so we asked if she could take the pictures for us and she did. She was so nice and sweet. We met up at the park, and we got started right away. I'm so glad that we decided to take these senior pictures because these pictures will be with us forever. Never forgotten. I love all my friends. It'll be sad when some of us part our separate ways going off to different colleges. No matter what happens we will always be friends.One of my friends asked for a shout out so SHOUT OUT TO TYLER. Anyways here are some of the senior pictures that we took.

xoxo, Jello

Oh and sorry for lack of blogposts i've been quite lazy xx.