June 4th, 2016 was a really exciting day of my life. It was the day that I graduated from highschool. Let me tell you how that day went. So my whole family and I wanted to have dinner to celebrate me graduating from highschool, but because the graduation was at such a late time by the time the ceremony was over most of the restaurants would be closed. So we decided to just have a family lunch. The first thing we had to do before going to the restaurant was we had to go pick up the cake that we ordered a couple weeks before hand. The cake was alright, I wish we got the cake from another place, but it's whatever. After getting the cake we went to the restaurant, and it was pretty fun getting to see all my family that came down from Boise, Idaho.

Once we finished eating I had to rush to go to my uncles shop so my aunt could do my makeup and hair. Oh I forgot to mention how the graduation ceremony was at 7:00, but I had the be there at 4:00. After getting my hair and makeup done I had to rush home to change because it was getting really close to the time I had to meet up at the school with the rest of my class.
It got pretty stressful from then on. After getting changed we had to rush to my friends house to pick her up and take her with us, because she didn't have a ride, and once getting to school we had to fit 500+ students into 6 buses which was pretty hard. I ended up sitting on my friends lap because they ran out of seats. Blahblahblah we then arrived at the auditorium, and we practiced on how and where we were going to walk after getting our diplomas.
It finally hit 7:00 and that's when the nerves started to kick in, because it was actually happening. I was actually graduating highschool. Once the ceremony ended it was pretty dark outside so the lighting for the pictures were terrible, but thanks to my uncle he had one of those professional cameras so it kinda helped.
I really wish I got pictures with all of my friends, but everything was just so rushed after the graduation, and we all had to go meet up with out families to take pictures. After the ceremony was over my family and I just went to my grandma's house and hung out all together. I will never forget this day.
Thank you to all of my friends and family for believing in me. Love you guys.
xoxo, Jello